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The Team

We seek to contribute to the completion of the Great Commission by:

  1) Aggressively praying for global evangelism

  2) Supporting church planting & discipleship – both nationally and internationally

  3) Mobilizing and equipping church leaders in other countries, and

  4) Exponentially growing the number of First Christian members involved in Missions

Our Mission 


Below you will see a list of our foreign and domestic partners, if want any more information or would like to give directly to them you can find their contact info here as well.


Ethnos 360

Global Partner

We support ministry partners who operate in closed countries where it is illegal to spread the Gospel through Ethnos 360.

Based in Florida and formerly New Tribe Missions, Ethnos 360 has nearly
130 men and women serving in missions all over the world.  Founded in
1942 by Paul Fleming to reach those who have never heard the Word. 
These missionaries go to places previously unreachable to share the
gospel and translate the Bible into their language.  Missionaries are
extensively trained in Bible teaching, techniques in advanced
linguistics, and the art of alphabetizing unwritten languages to
translate Bibles, which typically last four years.  Ultimately their
goal is to plant churches in these far parts of the world.

Heart of Montana Love INC

Local Partner

Love INC endeavors to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ. Love INC is a partnership OF churches. They all about connecting the struggles of the community to the calling of the Church.


Love INC's ministry philosophy is to reach out to the least of these in Central Montana, not just with a hand out, but with a hand up. The goal is to come alongside people in a redemptive way and offer them new life in Christ; showing them hope, love, dignity, and grace that they may never have known before. In so doing, Love INC helps the Church disciple people toward Jesus. Giving the Church an opportunity to meet people in the brokenness of life, and remind them, in word and deed, that there is Hope.


In partnership with local churches, Love INC provides ministries such as creative solution for financial needs, health & hygiene items, life skill classes, social connections, restorative housing for women, foster/adoptive support, vouchers (clothing, housewares, food, etc.), furniture, Christmas baskets and gifts, as well as mentoring.

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Mustard Seed

Global Partner

Our Mission:
To glorify God by making disciples through planting gospel-centered churches in urban Japan.

Our Vision:
To see the cities of Japan saturated with and impacted by gospel-centered churches that further the global cause of Jesus Christ. 

What we do:
Recruit and train church planters
Catalyze church plants
Support church planters and church plants


Chris DeWelt heads up member care for the network of church planters. FCC partners with Chris and his wife Carol as they take care of the staff of Mustard Seed Network.

Boise Bible College

Domestic Partner

Boise Bible aims to assist students in developing a character like Christ, leadership skills like Christ, within a Christ-centered environment that will propel you to no longer live for yourself, but for Jesus. To that goal, we value excellent scholarship, authentic humility, uplifting community, and creative innovation.

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Cambodia Christian Ministries

Global Partner

CCM continues the ministry of Jesus by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the poorest of the poor in Cambodia’s remote villages.

Central Montana Younglife

Local Partner

Kids around the world are searching for hope, meaning and belonging. Young Life gets in it with them and accept them as they are. We go to kids, build bridges of authentic friendship and introduce them to Jesus Christ.

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Missionary Dale Mueller

Global Partner

Missionary Dale Mueller and his sending church, Fifth Avenue Christian Church, Havre, Montana, are associated with the Independent Christian Churches / Churches of Christ, whose heritage is rooted in the Restoration Movement.  Accordingly, we are nondenominational and seek to establish independent and nondenominational churches and institutions for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations of the world.


We will continue to emphasize reaching children and youth first, and ultimately their families through prayer focus and discipleship training. Second, we seek to establish home fellowship meetings to reach new neighborhoods associated with our existing members, often in remote areas. Third, we seek, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, to identify more communities open to establish pioneer churches. Fourth, our goal for all our churches is that they become self-governing independent churches, self-supporting and self- propagating. It is our conviction that all churches, new and old, must set their hearts upon being mission-minded churches.


Domestic Partner

CLDI – Community Leadership Development Inc. is a non-profit organization that seeks to transform and empower families in our community. For over 40 years, CLDI has been at work in a low-income neighborhood of Billings, Montana known as the South Side. At the heart of our work is a gospel-centered desire to invest in the South Side in such a way that residents of the community thrive financially, spiritually, and relationally.

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Christian Missionary Fellowship

Global Partner

We partner with the Weeks family in Ethiopia, Africa.


“We work to expand God’s Kingdom in Ethiopia as we partner with the Kritos Andinet Church and other like-minded followers of Jesus.  We do this as we: Develop disciples of Jesus, Engage in holistic ministry, and Cultivate leaders who create Christ-centered communities.”

Pinehaven Christian Ranch

Local Partner

It is the mission of the Pinehaven GAP Ministry to provide a Christ-centered, discipleship rich-environment for exploring who Christ has made us and how He wishes us to use the talents and abilities He has placed within us.

By utilizing the Pinehaven Christian Ranch facilities and the multiple servants we have come to know and love, we seek to give students a hands-on experience, learning and utilizing life skills lost in today’s urban lifestyle — all the while exploring the talents and abilities placed within each one of us by our Lord and Savior, with the intention of learning how to best use these talents and abilities to serve the Kingdom.

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Strong Hearts International

Global Partner

Strong Hearts International’s mission is to bring about transformation from the inside out in every part of the world. Strong Hearts operates many projects in Ethiopia and is currently expanding.

Haitian Christian Mission 

Global Partner

As an organization that follows Jesus Christ, we exist to empower the Haitian church to build better communities and better relationships between God and man through Jesus Christ; we strive to help the Haitian people rise above dependencies and achieve personal sustainability through their own God-given resources.

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Little Rockies Christian Camp

Local Partner

Our Mission

​We desire each child that comes to our camps will:

ACCEPT Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior

GROW in their faith and Christian character development

ESTABLISH the priorities of prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship while associating with a local church

DEVOTE their lives in service to our Lord Jesus at home and beyond.

​ We will continue to emphasize these camp ministries to youth.


LRCC is where FCC sends our first through fifth graders for camp.

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